The Fort Fairfield Rotary Club has chosen Desiraie Rediker and Joshua Wortman as its inaugural Fort Fairfield High School Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients.
Desiraie, a sophomore, and Joshua, a senior, were nominated for the award by the Fort Fairfield High School faculty and staff with the award recipients chosen by the club’s selection committee from amongst multiple nominees. Both recipients demonstrate an exemplary work ethic with respect to their studies and serve as positive roll models amongst their peers.
At a recent Fort Fairfield Rotary Club recognition breakfast where the award recipients received achievement certificates, Desiraie was accompanied by parents Brett and Rebecca Tarbox, while Joshua was accompanied by parents Roland and Tammy Wortman. Each recipient’s photo will now be placed on the school bulletin board and website, and they are automatically in the running for the Rotary Spirit Student of the Year who will receive a $300 cash award.
The student award program seeks to recognize student achievement throughout the school year, across grades 9 through 12. The program selection criteria cover academics, citizenship, and personal development. The inaugural student winners were selected for the award period Sept/Oct 2011. Winners will also be selected for the periods Nov/Dec 2011, Jan/Feb 2012, and Mar/Apr 2012. At the school-year end the Rotary Spirit Student of the Year will be chosen from amongst the eight period-award recipients.
Front row: Brett Tarbox, Rebecca Tarbox, Desiraie Rediker, Janet Kelle – Rotary Club President
Back row: James Smith – FFHS Faculty Nominator, Tracy Copeland – Rotary Spirit Student Award Program Chair, Mark Jenkins – FFHS Principal, Stephanie Beaulieu – Rotary Club Event Hostess
Front row: Roland Wortman, Tammy Wortman, Joshua Wortman, Janet Kelle – Rotary Club President
Back row: Robert Helstrom – FFHS Faculty Nominator, Tracy Copeland – Rotary Spirit Student Award Program Chair, Mark Jenkins – FFHS Principal, Stephanie Beaulieu – Rotary Club Event Hostess