In a follow on to Dr. Norma Desjardins’, Clinic Director, recent presentation to the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club, Janet Kelle, Club President, presented a $1,000 check to Frank Bemis, Presque Isle Rotary Club, during the 64th Rotary Auction. The check helps the Presque Isle Rotary Club reach their $25,000 St. Apollonia Dental Clinic support goal.

The St. Apollonia Dental Clinic is a nonprofit organization which seeks to aid those most in need of dental services; particularly, the children and adolescents of Aroostook County who have no access to dental care. The primary goal will be to provide a dental home which consists of ongoing quality dental preventive and restorative services and to educate patients and their parents, guardians, or caregivers on continued dental care. The clinic seeks to reach out to the most vulnerable, dentally needy population of Aroostook County.