Welcome to the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club’s website. Chartered in 1978, our club has been supporting community organizations and projects as well as Rotary International projects for 35 years.

In 1982 our club sponsored a new Rotary club in Perth-Andover, New Brunswick, Canada and has partnered with our fellow Rotarians across the border on many projects including international disaster relief shelter boxes following the 2010 Haiti earthquake and most recently the 2012 flood disaster relief effort in Perth-Andover.

Rotarians are asked to live by Rotary’s adopted 4-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First – Is it the Truth
Second – Is it Fair to all concerned
Third – Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships
Fourth – Will it be Beneficial to all concerned

The Rotary motto is “Service Above Self” and I am honored to work with fellow club members who volunteer to help others in our community.

Our club’s primary goal for this year is to continue supporting programs in the community as well as Rotary International’s humanitarian efforts including world Polio eradication. Within the community the club supports the Aroostook Teen Leadership Camp, the annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner for our senior citizens, local Boy Scouts activities, Maine Veterans Projects, and the Homeless Shelter of Aroostook to mention but a few.

Our club holds only two fundraising events during the year. Our primary fundraiser is the annual “Cash Draw” held in October, with additional funds being derived from the Vidalia onion sales held in May.

Our members look forward to meetings each 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month for a time of fellowship while enjoying the great breakfasts prepared by our excellent “chefs”. Visitors are encouraged and welcome.

